Cooperation 18-01-2021

Partnership- training

As part of the convention signed between the University of Tlemcen and the Sonatrach group. A meeting was held in the meeting room of the Rectorate’s headquarters on Sunday 17 January 2021. Between project members and leaders of Tlemcen University. In presence of Mr .BENAMARA Mustapha Director General of the Laboratory Division, Mr .Guennoune Abdemkader director of IAP, CHIKH Moustaoha. This meeting was to transform the provisions of the bilateral partnership agreement through the elaboration of an ambitious project concerning the realization of more professional type specialties at the University of Tlemcen for the benefit of the Sonatrach institution. And to and to strengthen relations between Algerian University and nationals publics or privates establishments, and with economic and social environment in order to train the qualified management more widely..
