Events 10-03-2022

The celebration of women’s daya t the faculty of letters and languages

The faculty of letters and languages celebrated the world women’s day , managed by Andalujos club in collaboration with the grito de mujer festival , several activities were organized ( theatre, music and poetry), the ceremony is combined between the sense of gratitude for woman and the values of happiness, recognizing that woman remains the symbol of offrring that spreads happiness and reinforces the positive spirit in society

During his speech, Pr.MELLIANI Mohammed the dean of the faculty of letters and languages presented his sincere congratulation to each girl and each woman on the occasion of « the wold day », and confirmed that we are proud women in all their occupation as student , a mother and an emplyee, recalling in the sense that the woman is able to make their presence felt everywhere, and she confirms that she is able to present more than expected

On this occasion, honorary certificates were given to this participants in this event