Information 22-12-2022

Virtual national forum on the transformation of traditional administration to electronic administration.

The Faculty of Law and Political Science, in cooperation with the PRFU research team, organized "The Role of Electronic Administration to improve the service of the public Service in Algeria. And under the supervision of the Laboratory of law and Freedoms Fundamentals, a virtual national forum entitled: The transformation of traditional administration to electronic administration and its impact on  law and freedoms

- Issues and challenges -

The forum took place in the presence of the Vice-Rector in charge of Pedagogy, Pr Benouar Ben Saim, the Dean of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences Pr Dr Nasreddin Ben Tifour, and the Director of the Laboratory of law and Fundamental Freedoms Pr. Mourad Bedran, and presided over of Pr. ELARBI Wardia.

The forum articulated around five axes:

The first axis: a conceptual introduction to traditional and electronic general administration.

Second axis: the legal foundations for the transformation of  traditional administration to electronic administration.

Third axis: the transformation of a traditional administration to an electronic administration in economic establishments and private law.

The fourth axis: the reality of application of electronic administration in Algerian public establishments.

Fifth axis: the impact of the transformation towards the application of electronic administration on law and  fundamental freedoms.