Information 09-03-2023

Scientific symposium on: the strategy of women's empowerment in the Arab region, facing digital challenges

The research team: political analysis, strategic studies and political research laboratory, in collaboration with the political science department, organized an international scientific symposium on the occasion of Women's Day, entitled: "the strategy of empowerment of women in the Arab region", chaired by the teacher BENRAHOU ​​Sihame, in the presence of the Rector of the University of Tlemcen, the vice-rectors of the university, the director of the research center in applied economics, director of the laboratory of human rights and public freedoms, as well as the dean of the faculty of rights and political sciences Pr.BENTIFOUR Nasreddine and his vice dean of post-graduation, the president of the board of ethics of the profession.

This meeting saw the participation of 29 interventions by teachers from 08 Arab countries and 08 establishments, and it addressed 4 axes:

-Governance and participation in public life.

-The economic empowerment of women.

-End this violence.

-Women, Peace, and Security and Humanitarian Action and Disaster Risk Reduction