Events 09-07-2016

Registration of new baccalaureate holders 2016-2017



Félicitations de Monsieur le Ministre


Le guide du bachelier 2016



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 Open Days 19 to 21 July 2016

Pre-registration, confirmation of pre-registration, orientation and recourse are exclusively online:

The procedure to follow to register at the university:

Step 1 :

After careful reading of documents, you proceed to your pre-registration between 19 and 21 July 2016.

This phase consists in filling the listing of wishes and to deposit it, online, in one of the following websites:

This can be done where there is a connection to the Internet. However, we recommend you to the rooms planned for this purpose in the University; you'll find availability, advice, assistance and free access to the Internet.

Step 2 :

You must then confirm your pre-registration. It also allowed to you to modify your previous the listing of wishes between 22 and 24 July 2016.

In this case, it is the second listing of wishes which is taken into consideration for your orientation.

Step 3 :

Orientation and recourse are online:

You can, if necessary, make recourse between July 31 and August 2, 2016, if any of your ten choices were retained.

Step 4 :

After reading your assignment, you have to make your final registration with the institution where you were affected between 04 and August 9, 2016 (Deposits of files)

Particular case:

Special case of sectors subject to aptitude test or interview

If you choose fields which are submitted to an aptitude test or interview, do not forget to make enquiries in the institutions concerned, of the precise date of the tests (between July 31 to August 2, 2016). Indeed, you will not risk losing one or more possible courses because of a possible duplication of tests. Your results will be communicated to you within 48 hours before the closure of final entries.


Guidance and registration location of new baccalaureate holders: Pole Mansourah (or new pole).