Scientific Animation 15-05-2017

Collaboration between UABT and Korean teachers

As part of the collaboration between the researchers of Tlemcen University and our South Korean colleagues in the Ministry of Agriculture 
through its KOPIA-Algeria agency, represented by its director, Dr. Park Sang-Gu, the SNV / STU Faculty Received a delegation of Korean experts
Dr. Han Jae-Gu and Dr. Lee Chan-jung specialists in the development of edible mushrooms, to present lectures to researchers, doctoral students,
mushroom producers in Algeria and representatives Of various institutions: Chamber of Commerce, INPV, Ministry of Agriculture, National Park,
Forest Conservation, etc. on 9 May 2017 in the faculty auditorium.
This international day on mushrooms allowed our researchers Dr Belhocine, Barka and Tefiani and their doctoral students from the University of Tlemcen as well as Dr Guenoun from the University of Tizi Ouzou to expose, confront their work and the And exchange their experiences with those of their Korean counterparts.
A visit to the SNV / STU faculty and the agronomy and forestry laboratories was organized on 10 May 2017, as well as various faculty structures.