Events 20-05-2017

Audit of ISTA

As part of the ISTA coordinating mission in Algeria, ISTA project coordinator Roland Pellurson was received for the AUDIT at the University of Tlemcen on 16 and 17 May 2017 for the follow- Evaluation of the ISTA project of Tlemcen which is operational since September 2016. This institute, let us recall, shelters two formations of licenses professionalising, one of geographer Topograph and the other in dairy and cheese industry. The institute is experiencing an effective evolution in the realization of its objectives.

Mr Pelurson was accompanied by Mr Amara Sif-Eddine, Assistant Director of Teaching, representing the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and Mrs Sonia Jedidi, the Attached of Scientific and Academic Cooperation at the French Embassy in Algiers . Mrs Jedidi and Mr Amara also visited the high school of Management (formerly EPSECSG) and the high school of applicated science (ex-EPST) in Tlemcen, as part of their participation in the EMR and to discuss their Cooperation with French higher education institutions.

Ms Jedidi during her stay in Tlemcen met with the Vice-Rector of External Relations of the University of Tlemcen to take stock of the situation with him on cooperation projects with French universities and in particular cooperation with the University of Tlemcen. Rennes 1 as part of the Tlemcen Pôle Santé project.