Training 09-04-2015

Call for projects “creation of massive open online course” MOOCS

Call for projects “creation of massive open online course” MOOC

The distance education unit of the University of Tlemcen informs teachers and doctoral students that a platform supporting MOOCs has just been installed at the distance learning center.

Teachers and doctoral students interested in training on MOOCS screenwriting are invited to answer the following two calls:


  • Call for projects:CLOM / MOOC 2015

The Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) launches a new call for projects to facilitate the creation of massive open online course MOOCs at universities in Francophone countries. For this call for projects, all disciplines are eligible and the course can affect any level of education, from the first year license to the second year of master. The AUF however recommends not exceeding six weeks training course.

Deadline: March 10, 2015

Link to the call:

  • Call forcollaboration: "CLOM / MOOC CERTICE-SUP"

The Institute for knowledge engineering and distance education (IFIC), in partnership with Cergy-Pontoise University, the University of Montreal and the support of UNESCO has called for collaborations for the production of educational resources of CLOM / MOOC CERTICE (certification of ICT skills of teachers) for the higher education level. The objective of CLOM / MOOC CERTICE-SUP is to train and certify teachers in higher education or who wish to become (doctoral students) in the use of educational technologies. The certification will be based on a consortium of universities AUF members who recognize the value of certification, including with academic credits.

Deadline: April 1, 2015

Link to the call: