Call for applications 04-06-2017

Notice to the holders of a classic or LMD system diploma

Holders of a classic diploma or LMD system (students graduated from previous promotions) can apply for a licence’s degree or master's degree registration. For this purpose, the candidates must submit the following file to the Dean Offices in charge of studies and questions related to the students of the Faculty related to their specialties from 05 to 20 June 2017:

  • A handwritten application (specifying the desired level) and including the email address and the phone number of the person concerned.
  • Motivation Letter
  • A birth certificate
  • A copy of the baccalauréat
  • A copy of the diplomas.
  • The various transcripts of the curriculum at the University.

After studying the files by the selection commissions, the results will be transmitted to the interested parties by mail. The files sent via Post and any incomplete files will be rejected.