Procés verbaux des réunions du conseil scientifique de l'université
Meeting minutes of the University Scientific Council of 30/04/19.
PV meeting of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Sciences
On the six of December of the year two thousand eighteen to fourteen hours, the meeting of the University’s Scientific Council was held at the head office under the chairmanship of Professor Boucherit Kebir, Rector of the University of Tlemcen.
On Thursday, 07 June 2017, the Rector of the University of Tlemcen closed the training session for newly recruited teachers, according to Ministerial Decision No. 932 of 28 July 2016 on the pedagogical support of newly recruited teacher researchers, in the auditorium at the center city pole.
The Rector of the University of Tlemcen honored Mr. Aouineti Boumediene on the occasion of his retirement, on Thursday, 01 June 2017, in the presence of the university's staff, praising his efforts and his Services at the university.
Student Hadeel Taqi al-Din participate in the Olympic tournament in Rio de Janeiro in order to honor the University of Tlemcen, Algeria
n the third millennium, literary production in the Maghreb space has experienced a great profusion. Maghreb literature, with its diversity and complexity, continues to grow rich, renew, assert itself and develop over time. One of the major factors that has contributed to its development is its integration into the field of globalization. It is part of an environment characterized by mobility and movement, it also facilitates the flow of ideas and cultures. This literature seems to be a priori marked by differences and transformations due to the intersection of languages, genres, forms and speeches.