Between Aboubekr Belkaid University and :
- Universities of Aleppo and Damascus (Syria).
- The University of Tunis (Tunisia).
- The University of Barcelona (Spain).
- The University Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (France).
- The University "Tor Vergata", Rome (Italy).
International Agreements
Agreements type "CMPE" (Joint Committee project evaluation)
Algeria-France They cover the following areas :
- Contributionto the study ofmatorrals in the mountains ofTlemcen.
- Mathematicaltools for the assessmentand control ofanimal populationsexploited.
- The informal economyin Algeria: Employment and funding.
- Organic synthesisofPAF antagonistsHIV inhibitors.
- Study of the relationship"structure-property" and "structure -activity"molecular systems.
- Characterizationof the oxide layersobtained by chemicalandthermaltreatmentonthe poroussilicon.
- Statistics of autoregressivecontinuous time process.
- Budget policy-structural adjustment andgrowth in Algeria.
- Roleof polyunsaturated fattyacids onlipoprotein metabolismand the immune system.
- Modeling via equivalent circuitsof antennas andnetworks ofprinted antennas.
Agreements type « PICS »( International Scientific Cooperation Program Algeria-France).
Thermodynamic and optical properties of liquid crystal mixtures and polymers
DRS/CNRS Projects
Scientific Research direction, National Center for Scientific Research Algeria-France.
Organic chemistry applied: Natural substances, synthetic beta-lactams, biological activities.