Competition 23-10-2019

Lists of candidates admitted of doctoral contest 2019/2020

The University of Tlemcen welcomes all candidates admitted for doctoral contest 2019/2020 and wishes them success.

Candidates are invited to join their exam sites, each according to his faculty, on 26/10/2019 at 12H.

They must have their Exam call (should be download on Progress) and an ID.

 Lists of candidates admitted for doctoral contest: Faculty law and political sciences

Lists of candidates admitted for doctoral contest: Faculty of Technology
 Lists of candidates admitted for doctoral contest: Faculty of SNV/STU

Lists of candidates admitted for doctoral contest: Faculty of Sciences

Lists of candidates admitted for doctoral contest: Faculty of Humanities and Social 

Lists of candidates admitted for doctoral contest: Faculty of Economics, Business and Management Sciences

Lists of candidates admitted for doctoral contest: Faculty of Languages and literatures